Trivia Mafia

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Trivia Mafia's Response to COVID-19

Dear Trivia Mafia family:

It has become abundantly clear that, for the good of our community, we must stop encouraging our players and our hosts to gather in groups of any size. And since the whole point of our business is to get people to go to bars and taprooms to play trivia, all Trivia Mafia events are hereby canceled until further notice

None of this is easy, and it’s about to get harder. Please spare a thought for your trivia hosts, who are temporarily out of a part-time job, as well as the employees and owners of the 150+ businesses that host our trivia nights, whose livelihoods are even more imperiled. Please support them while you can: buy gift cards, order takeout, tip generously. 

This is not an abundance of caution. It is the minimum. If you’re still convinced this is all an over-reaction, well, we can’t believe we’re about to say this, but: Use your Google.

Tonight, the CDC announced that it recommends all events of 50+ people go dark for a period of eight weeks. Eight weeks from tonight is Mother’s Day. That strikes us as the perfect day for checking in, seeing how everyone’s doing, making sure we’re all caring for ourselves as best we can, and judging our career choices. (Love you, mom.) 

We’ll be back before you know it, asking you questions about Real Housewives beefs and the shape of wombat poo, just like the good old days. We promise. In the meantime, we’re hunkering down, but we aren’t hitting the pause button on trivia altogether. We’re currently investigating ways to bring you a socially distant, play-at-home version of Trivia Mafia. Stay tuned this week for more details on that. 

Our hearts are bursting with gratitude for all of the players who consider Trivia Mafia an important part of their lives. If you love Trivia Mafia and will miss it dearly over the next couple of months: Believe us, the feeling is mutual.  

Stay safe, keep calm, and be kind to one another, 

Chuck, Sean, Brenna
+ everyone at Trivia Mafia