You like us, you Really Like Us!

Big news: we hit 250 patrons AND COUNTING!

This means we can upgrade our Zoom Pro account to allow for over 100 participants, so we can coordinate even MOAR TRIVEAH for all the masses who so desperately need it. (Want to hire us to run trivia for a private group - work happy hour, or long-distance college reunion? Email us for more info and we’ll figure out how to make it happen.)

We are sending out packages of awesome love and gratitude - complete with pens! of your own! you can keep! - to our top two tiers of Patrons. Sean is cooking up a new live stream event to add to our exclusive offerings, so those supporters can expect to get wind of the details soon.

We still love those $5/month supporters, too! The fact that anyone is giving us their hard earned dollars of their own volition is super rad. Everyone who is tossing some digital dollars into our virtual cap is really helping in ways both tangible and emotional.

If you’d like to support us on a regular basis, join Patreon here and decide the level that works best for your budget. $25 per month and up will get you a t-shirt, socks, notebook, pens, stickers - and first access to exclusive content.

If you want to make a one-time contribution, put a dollar in the tip jar here, and we will doff our cap to you in thanks for your generosity. (We don’t have TM branded caps yet, but with enough tips, maybe we can get them made.)